The Brindabella Christian Education Limited (BCEL) Board of Directors have repeatedly demonstrated an unwillingness to be financially transparent and accountable by failing to comply with their regulatory reporting obligations to the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) and the Federal Department of Education.
According to the ACNC website as at 8 January 2025 BCEL has still not produced audited financials for 2023 which were due on 30 June 2024. Over recent years, BCEL has repeatedly been red flagged by the charity regulator as a 'double defaulter'.
The ACNC Charity Register shows BCC receives an annual revenue of around $20 million of which approximately 50% is from commonwealth funding.
Significant delays in reporting means parents and tax payers cannot see where or how their school fees and commonwealth funds have been spent by the school, nor assure themselves of the schools competency in financial management. A pressing concern, given uncertainty around the schools solvency raised by its auditor multiple in recent financial reports.
Dept of Education
According to the MySchools website, as at 8 January 2025, BCEL has failed to produce the suite of audited financials, grant acquittal statements and annual reports for 2020, 2021, 2023 and 2024.
Submissions made by the Federal Education Minister to the AAT Final Hearings, at the end of March 2023, revealed BCEL was the only school in Australia not to have submitted its 2021 audited financials at the time!
Federal education officials revealed in Senate Estimates that BCEL was in breach of its regulatory obligations and AAT Conditions by failing to produce audited financials for 2023 placing commonwealth funding for the school at risk. You can watch video of Senator Pocock question commonwealth education officials on 5 June 2024 and 7 November 2024 about BCEL here.
Is BCC's lack of transparency, and failure to meet regulatory reporting deadlines, consistent with the Christian virtues of "excellence" and "integrity" BCC boldly claims to be "dedicated in pursuing"? (WISE motto)
We encourage parents to be curious about how BCEL is spending their hard earned fees and request full disclosure from the Directors. Parents, as fee paying service recipients, have rights and options to demand financial transparency from the BCC Board by sending an email to
To ensure accountability, we recommend you 'cc' the Federal Education Minister: Jason Clare ( and the ACNC ( Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission in all correspondence with the Board.
Select the heading below to quickly jump to the relevant section.
Federal Minister Identifies Concerns Over Possible Misuse of School Funding
Multiple Undeclared Director Conflicts, Related Party Transactions and Personal Benefit Identified
ACT Ombudsman Intervention Required to Direct Release of 2019 Financials
Federal Minister Identifies Concerns Over Use of School Funding
Between 2019 and 2021 an investigation was carried out by the Department of Education (formerly DESE) into Brindabella Christian College (BCC) and its governing entity, Brindabella Christian Education Limited (BCEL), including an independent audit by Bellchambers Barrett.
On the 17 May 2021, as a result of this investigation, the Federal Education Minister made the decision that Brindabella Christian Education Limited (BCEL) was not a fit and proper person to be the Approved Authority for Brindabella Christian College.
Concerns were expressed around the school’s compliance with the Education Act 2013 and issues raised around: BCEL's not for profit status, related party transactions, possible benefits to directors and ongoing financial viability.
As a result of this decision, the Minister varied BCEL’s Approval imposing conditions for BCEL requiring a review and changes to governance arrangements to improve the financial management of BCC, engage an independent review of the school’s financials and report specifically, related party transactions, in the 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 financials.
Immediately following this decision, the Directors of BCEL successfully applied for a Review in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and requested a stay (pause) on the conditions. AAT records show a stay was granted on 25 June 2021 pending the results of the Review, which is still ongoing.
AAT Records (BCEL and Minster for Education and Youth [2021] AATA 4629 (25 November 2021) show the Minister expressed specific concerns about whether BCEL/BCC was complying with the Education Act 2013 requirements:
to not conduct the school for profit, pursuant to section 75(3),
be financially viable, pursuant to section 75(4),
be a fit and proper person to be an approved authority for the school, pursuant to section 75(5).
Final hearings were held at the AAT's Canberra Registry for four days from Monday 27 March 2023. We are still awaiting the outcome of this Review.
Multiple Undeclared Director Conflicts, Related Party Transactions and Personal Benefit Identified
According to records* and submissions tabled in the Review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), conditions were imposed on BCEL by the Department of Education 17 May 2021 to help BCEL improve its governance and financial management. (* BCEL and Minster for Education and Youth [2021] AATA 4629 (25 November 2021)
Some of these conditions included: a requirement for comprehensive reviews of the school’s financial management and of its governance; record keeping requirements imposed to ensure proper management and disclosure of conflicts of interest; and full disclosure of related party transactions in the 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 financials.
The wrong financial reporting:
In 2016, BCEL changed its form of financial reporting from General Purpose Financial Reports to Special Purpose Financial Reports resulting in related party transactions no longer being disclosed.
Bellchambers Barrett, in their 2020 audit commissioned by the Department of Education, report this change coincided with Mr Zwajgenberg becoming Board Chair. Saward Dawson, the schools nominated auditor, is noted in AAT Documents as having previously provided BCEL with advice that "best practice (and important for true and fair) for not-for-profit entities is to disclose signifiant related party transactions". General Purpose Financial Reports provide for such disclosure and transparency.
Risks to stakeholders identified:
AAT records show, the Minister, via the Department of Education, identified concerns around Directors use of school resources for possible personal benefit, or an improper purpose, which could potentially breach Section 75(3).
The Ministers submissions to the AAT Review indicate in early 2020 the Department of Education had sought information from BCEL to "make a full and proper assessment of BCEL's compliance" with the Education Act 2013 and Regulation. However, information subsequently provided by BCEL did "not fully address the departments' concerns around conflicts of interest and related party transactions" triggering a commissioning of Bellchambers Barrett to conduct an independent audit into potential conflicts of interest and related party transactions for the period 2012-2020.
The Bellchambers Audit Report, dated 21 January 2021, identified:
"a range of issues in relation to BCEL's
governance, operational and financial management"
and concluded that their audit observations...
"present ongoing risks to stakeholders of the school
and will require remediation actions, which subject to
legislative authority, should involve increased oversight
by the department to avoid further escalation".
In the interests of transparency, the Association has made request to the AAT for a copy of the full Bellchambers Audit Report, along with subsequent audits carried out by McGrath Nichol and KPMG. As at 14 April 2023 we are still awaiting a response by the Senior Member.
Multiple undeclared director conflicts, related party transactions and personal benefit identified:
AAT Documents made available to the Association reveal, the Bellchambers Audit identified multiple undeclared director conflicts, related party transactions and transactions in which Board members had a material personal interest. Along with consideration for the manner in which these were dealt with by BCEL, the Department decided that:
"BCEL demonstrated that it does not have the
governance arrangements of a fit and proper person".
Consequently, on 12 February 2021 BCEL was "informed of the Departments conclusion that BCEL was not currently compliant with the requirements in Section 75(5) of the Act to be a fit and proper person to be the approved authority for Brindabella" and a proposed decision to "vary BCEL's approval".
The Association can reveal the conflicts, related party transactions and material personal benefits identified primarily concerned:
- numerous transactions between BCC and BCEL Board Chairman Greg Zwajgenberg (and/or a number of his personal companies) over many years and under the oversight of differing BCC Business Managers and differing fellow BCEL Directors; and
- rent arrangements and payments between BCC and Life Unlimited Church where BCEL Director Alyn Doig shares a Directorship with Life Unlimited Church (Life UC), landlord of BCC's Charnwood campus and Director Greg Zwajgenberg has identified Life UC as his local church for the past 33 years, and of which he was founding Director, and signatory to the mortgage when the Charnwood property was purchased by Life UC (formerly Life Projects Pty Ltd).
AAT Documents reveal "BCEL did not accept that the Bellchambers Audit had identified significant issues with its governance and operation and expressed significant misgivings about the audit report".
Further information subsequently provided by BCEL, to support their claims and misgivings, given to the Department was reviewed by Bellchambers on 13 May 2021. However, AAT documents show the Department of Education notes this did not result in any new information or material which would vary the findings of the Bellchambers Audit Report.
Protecting the Interests of the Charity and its Stakeholders
The Federal Education Minister has sought to protect the school and its interests by varying BCEL's approval and imposing conditions which the three BCEL Directors determined to appeal in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal with legal costs alone amounting to almost $300,000 (as indicated by BCEL Lawyers during AAT Final Hearings).
Why are these valuable school resources being diverted away from the classroom to defend poor governance and mismanagement?
On 17 May, 2021 BCEL the Department gave BCEL notice that it was
"not presently complying with the ongoing fit and proper person
requirement under Section 75(5) of the Act and decided to
vary BCEL's approval as an approved authority",
imposing conditions with the intention to ...
"assist BCEL with its governance and financial management
so it may regain its status as a fit and proper person
to be the approved authority for the school".
The Department also determined at the time "BCEL's financial viability risks have substantially increased as a result of its recent capital expenditure and current loan arrangements" with specific reference made to "the fact that BCEL's directors had certified its solvency in BCEL's 2019 audited financial statements and that that had not been qualified by BCEL's auditor".
The Association notes 2021 financials are still unavailable and the 2020 financials contain conditional statements regarding solvency by Saward Dawson, the appointed auditor. These can be viewed on the Charity Register here.
What are related party transactions?
A lack of public transparency around related party transactions can undermine confidence and trust in the school’s leadership and how it is managing school resources.
Related party transactions refer to financial transactions between two parties who have a pre-existing relationship. This could be between two companies under the same ownership or a company and its owners or management. This can be a problem because it can create conflicts of interest and not necessarily be in the best interests of the company or charity.
ASIC and the ACNC provide some examples which demonstrate the potential risk associated with related party transactions and the importance of ensuring that these transactions are conducted fairly and transparently.
ASIC found that a director of a mining company used his position to approve excessive payments to a related company, of which he was also a director. This led to the mining company losing over $6 million in funds.
The ACNC reported that a charity organisation paid its CEO a salary that was significantly higher than what was appropriate for the size of the organisation. The CEO was also involved in a related company that provided services to the charity at inflated prices, resulting in a conflict of interest.
ASIC found that a director of a listed company authorised the purchase of an asset from a related party at an inflated price, resulting in a loss to the company's shareholders.
The ACNC reported that a non-profit organisation entered into a lease agreement with a related party for a property that was not being used, resulting in a significant loss to the organisation.
ASIC found that a director of a financial services company authorised loans to related parties without appropriate security or documentation, resulting in significant losses to the company's shareholders.
In Australia, the Corporations Act 2001 requires companies to disclose related party transactions in their financial reports to make sure everything is fair and above board. This includes details of the nature and extent of the related party relationships and transactions, as well as any outstanding balances or guarantees.
The Act requires that the disclosures be made in a clear and concise manner so that stakeholders (in BCC’s case parents, employees, regulators and the general public as tax payers) can understand the implications of the transactions for the company's financial performance and position.
The Act also requires that any material related party transactions be approved by the board of directors or shareholders BEFORE they are entered into. In some cases, they might need to also obtain an external expert, or additional quotations, to ensure the transaction is at a fair and reasonable value.
The purpose of these requirements is to ensure transparency and accountability in the reporting of related party transactions, and to protect the interests of any shareholders and stakeholders.
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) and the ACNC hold records of current and historical directors of companies and charities for public access and set out requirements for companies under the Corporations Act, which includes charities, such as BCEL.
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BCC Financials Remain Overdue
Did you know BCEL has been repeatedly red-flagged by the national charity regulator, the ACNC for failing to comply with its annual statutory reporting obligations?
As a non-government school which receives significant commonwealth funds of around $10 million per annum, the BCEL Directors are publicly accountable, and required by both the ACNC and Dept of Education to annually report their use of public funds. BCEL has repeatedly failed to do so as shown in the image below.​
Should BCEL continue to receive $10 million of annual public funding if it is unwilling to be transparent about how it uses those funds or comply with its regulatory obligations? Should the schools future funding be jeopardised because of BCEL's conduct? It's time for change!
2019 audited financials
According to documents obtained under Freedom of Information Laws, BCC's 2019 financial information were only lodged with the ACNC on 9 November 2021 following intervention from the ACT Ombudsman on 29 October 2021 directing BCEL to publish them after having overturned an earlier ACT Education Directorate FOI decision not to release them. ​Refer ACT Education Directorate’s Disclosure Log FOI 2021-011.
2020 audited financials
BCEL lodged 2020 two years late on 27 March 2023, reporting a $3 Million loss and the auditor reporting he was unable to give a qualified opinion due to insufficient information being made available by BCEL Board. The 2020 auditor report and financials can be viewed here.
2021 audited financials
BCEL lodged 2021 on 4 August 2023, significantly overdue, recording a $2.8 Million loss. The auditor reported "a material uncertainty exists that may cast significant doubt on the company's ability to continue as a going concern". The 2021 auditor report and financials can be viewed here.
Submissions made by the Education Minister during the March 2023 AAT Proceedings reveal Brindabella Christian College was the ONLY school in Australia not to have submitted its Financial Questionnaire, its Acquittal Statement (how it spent commonwealth and state recurrent funding) or its audited financials for 2021. According to My Schools website, they still remain overdue as at 8 January 2025.
2022 audited financials
BCEL lodged 2022 late on 28 September 2023 reporting a $1 Million loss and auditor reported continuing "material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt on the company's ability to continue as a going concern." There was also no indication that the loan facility with NAB had been extended beyond its reported September 2024 expiry date raising questions around how BCEL will resolve its significant long term debts. The 2022 auditor report and financials can be viewed here.
2023 audited financials
As at 8 January 2024, 2023 financial remain Overdue according to the ACNC Charity Register and the Myschool website indicates 2020, 2021, 2023 and 2024 suite of financial documents required by the Dept of Education are overdue.
To remain registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC), Annual Information Statements and Annual Audited Financial Reports must be reported within six months of the end of the reporting period (for schools this on a Calendar Year basis - eg 31 December each year). If a charity fails to submit two or more Annual Information Statements, it risks becoming a 'double defaulter' charity and, as a result, having the ACNC revoke its charity registration.
Under recent legislation administered by the ACNC, there are new special arrangements in place for non-government schools to report which allows for reports submitted to the Department of Education (formerly DESE) to be accepted by the ACNC rather than the school needing to report directly to the ACNC. Where this information hasn't been provided, the ACNC will follow up directly with the school regarding its reporting obligations.
The Association is unclear how the ACNC is addressing BCC's overdue reports and red flagged status. When complaints have been made to the ACNC compliance team about the lack of transparency, accountability concerns, and overdue reporting, the ACNC consistently responds advising they cannot provide any details due to strict privacy and secrecy provisions.
Related Media:
"School red-flagged by ACNC" reports Riot Act (13 April 2021) ​
Brindabella Christian College made $3 Million loss in 2020 reports The Canberra Times (28 March 2023)
"Private school staff still waiting for super after nine months" reports The Canberra Times (16 Feb 2024)
"Not compliant: Brindabella to know fate soon as investigation nears end" reports Riot Act (8 Nov 2024)
"Brindabella College Board faces calls to resign immediately" reports Canberra Times (18 Dec 2024)
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Almost $5 Million Unaccounted For...
Without suitable detail provided, BCC's 2019 Profit and Loss Statement reported a 50% increase in monies unaccounted for from 2018, being $1,002,326 simply identified as a line item titled "Other Expenses".
BCC's 2020 Profit and Loss Statement reports a $3 Million loss yet reports another $1 Million ($953,988) spent on "Other Expenses" without suitable detail.
The most recent publicly available financial statements (below) report further cumulative losses for 2021 and 2022 of $3.8 Million with $2.8 Million unaccounted for without any suitable details simple identified as "Other Expenses".
2023 audited financials are presently unavailable and still overdue according to the ACNC Charity Register.
Where and how has this $4.7 Million in 'Other Expenses' been spent? Correspondence from the Association to the BCEL Board asking for explanation of the details of this expenditure has been ignored.
Brindabella has failed to produce audited financials - Riot Act 8 November 2024
Fix It Man left a trail of debts, court cases - Canberra Times 23 September 2024 feature story on Greg Zwajgenberg
Robot dog but no staff super - Australian Financial Review - 18 September 2024
"Clearly there are huge issues" Pocock's questions in Senate Estimates - see 7 November 2024 (video)
Parents have options to demand transparency and accountability from the Board. Write to them directly at If the Board is unresponsive, parents can seek intervention from the Federal Education Minister Jason Clare , ACT Education Minister Yvette Berry and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
Please join the Association and help seek change in the governance practices and processes through constitutional reform to see lasting change where revenue is clearly and transparently directed to the education and care of children.
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ACT Ombudsman Intervention Required to Direct the Release of BCC's 2019 Financials
According to documents obtained under Freedom of Information Laws, Brindabella’s 2019 financial statements were not made publicly available until the ACT Ombudsman intervened and directed their public release following an initial FOI refusal.
At of the time of the Ombudsman’s intervention, the school was almost two years late in submitting its 2019 audited financial reports to the ACNC and media reports indicated unrest and uncertainty concerning student number reporting discrepancies and financial viability concerns at a regulatory level.
Relevant Sources
Federal Minister tells Brindabella he's looking closely Riot Act (30 March 20)
Investigation into Financial Viability of BCC Dropped Due to Covid 19 The Canberra Times (2 October 20)
Documents Show Reporting Discrepancy Dropping Enrolments at BCC Riot Act (4 January 21)
The FOI Request
In an effort to gain transparency regarding the schools financial standing, a Freedom of Information request was made to the ACT Education Directorate on July 5, 2021 seeking: “Documents related to Brindabella Christian Education Limited, trading as Brindabella Christian College, specifically:
1. Annual Financial Reports and Statements provided to the Education Directorate since 1 January 2019.
2. Any explanatory notes or additional correspondence between the Directorate and College (or its
representatives) regarding point 1.” The Directorate’s FOI Team identified three documents being:
- Deed of Grant - ACT Non-Government School Grants - 2015-2020 between BCEL and the Directorate,
signed 25 September 2015
- BCEL Financial Statement 2019
- Deed of Grant - ACT Non-Government School Grants - 2020-2025 between BCEL and the Directorate,
signed 16 September 2020.
However, the Education Directorate FOI Team refused access to all documents. Under Section 73 of the FOI Act, the applicant sought a review of this decision by the ACT Ombudsman.
The ACT Ombudsman Review
Brindabella and the Education Directorate opposed the release of the documents on the basis of commercial in-confidence information, however the Ombudsman overturned this decision and ordered the three documents, which included the 2019 financials, be made available to the applicant on the basis that “the oversight of expenditure of public funds remains relevant after funds are spent for the purposes of government transparency and accountability”. The College’s “Financial Reports are prepared in the knowledge they are routinely and mandatorily published.”
She did NOT accept “the contention that disclosing information at issue (BCEL financials) could reasonably be expected to prejudice Brindabella Christian College’s business affairs” (para 37).
In making her decision to set aside the previous decision, the Ombudsman identified two factors favouring disclosure of the financial information would:
- Contribute to positive and informed debate on important issues or matters of public interest
- Ensure effective oversight of expenditure of public funds EDU FOI 2021-011 on the Directorates Disclosure
Log, “BL and Education Directorate [2021] ACTOFOI 13 (29 October 2021)” reveals the Ombudsman upholds
the importance of public transparency and accountability:
27. “Transparency about the financial affairs of schools does contribute to positive and informed debate on the education of children, which is a matter of considerable public interest. The information at issue, which concerns the finances of Brindabella Christian College and terms agreed on with the ACT Government, could reasonably be expected to promote this factor to a significant extent“.
30. “Brindabella Christian College receives funding from the ACT Government. The information at issue could reasonably be expected to ensure effective oversight of this expenditure by revealing the terms on which the ACT Government agreed to grant funding to Brindabella Christian College between 2015-2020 and 2020-2025 and financial information about Brindabella Christian College which is routinely published on the Australian Charities and Not- for-Profits Commission web page".
Publishing financials onto the ACNC Register
The Association observes the ACNC Charity Register shows BCC’s 2019 audited financials were submitted on 9 November 2021, just 10 days after the Ombudsman’s decision on 29 October 2021, almost two years overdue.
Records of the original FOI request, Education Directorate’s FOI refusal, BCC’s rationale for opposing release and the Ombudsman’s decision can all be viewed on the ACT Education Directorate’s Disclosure Log FOI 2021-011.
(Records of Review Decisions are noted in the far right columns).
Subsequent attempts under FOI Laws to obtain BCC's financials for subsequent years have all been unsuccessful with no such documents held by government regulators, as recently as end 2022.
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Financial Uncertaintity
Letters seen by the Association, and media reports, show parents both individually and collectively (through the P&F’s and parent groups such as “Parents for BCC”) have been requesting transparency around Brindabella Christian College's governance and financial management since 2015.
"BCC Parents and Staff Raise Governance Concerns" reports The Canberra Times (30 Nov 17)
"BCC Slates Review as Parents Raise Governance Concerns" reports The Canberra Times (3 Sept 15)
There has growing public interest in the school's governance and financial management since then, reflect in over 30 news articles published on the topic with concerns also raised around transparency more formally from the Australian Education Union, an Independent Charity Reviewer, and more recently ACT Government and the Federal Education Minister.
The schools most recent publicly available financials (2019) are out of date and largely irrelevant for gauging its current financial situation, being three years old. However, they do show around 45% of the school's annual revenue comes from government funds (ACNC 2019 BCC financial reports), public monies deserving of transparency through publicly available and timely reporting.
Documents obtained under Freedom of Information shows the schools expansion activities, its significant capital works and significant student departures has raised concerns for the ACT Education Minister Berry on a number of occasions and as early as the school’s re-registration in 2018.
Overdue Financial Reports and a Long History of Identified 'Financial Viability' Concerns:
2018 Financial Viability Concerns
At the point of five yearly re-registration in 2018, the school's financial viability was independently assessed under directions from ACT Education Minister Yvette Berry on 23 October 2018 (Doc 15 EDU FOI 2020-014) The Minister requested a “high level analysis” around the independent assessment in light of “expansion activities and significant capital works”.
The assessment stated financial viability
“is dependent on the continued receipt of government grants” and “based on assumptions in the business plan including higher than projected salary inflation and no change to the low student to teacher ratio (11- 2 at Dec 2017), the school maintained adequate financial capacity to withstand these cost impacts (capital works program) and continue operations”.
Further, the assessor notes
“capital expenditure is relatively discretionary works can be deferred if the school encounters financial pressures that may jeopardise its financial viability” and “expansion works undertaken to date allow for increased student numbers, which in turn will generate greater revenues (and expenditure) for the school”.
Whilst the school was found to be financially viable in the short to medium term, the Association observes student projections provided by the school at re-registration in 2018, have still not been reached in 2023.
​2019 Financial Viability Concerns
Concerns were raised by parents and staff to ACT Education Minister Berry, and by the Education Directorate itself, around significant student departures and high losses of teachers and staff in 2019.
An Authorised Persons Audit was subsequently carried out by the Education Directorate identifying significant student number reporting discrepancies (as much as 41%) which triggered another reassessment of the school's financial viability and compliance with its conditions of Registration. (EDU FOI 2020-010 Doc 71, 94, 96).
Education Directorate documents obtained under FOI Laws reveal the Minister agreed to support the Education Directorate in requesting BCC demonstrate their compliance with the Education Act and their conditions of Registration by providing a detailed business plan for the remainder of the schools current registration period outlining “how the school intends to remain financially viable in light of the significant student departures that have and will occur in 2019.”
The school responded to the Ministerial request, declining to provide transparency around its financials, providing a fully redacted five year business plan only showing student number projections. (EDU FOI 2020-010 Doc 122).
Further investigation into the school’s financial viability was subsequently paused until the schools next re-registration (2023) due to the disruptions caused by Covid 19. It is unclear what action the Minister is taking this year in regards the schools regulatory obligation to be financial viable.
The degree of public interest in BCC at the time caused Business by The Book, a registered charity that provides independent reviews of Christian charities to help donors and others make their decisions, to a look at BCC’s Financial Report. The reviewer, Ted Sherwood submitted a list of questions to the Board. These, along with the fact the Board did not respond, were subsequently published on the Business by The Book website.
2020 Financial Viability Concerns
The ACNC Charity Register indicates BCEL lodged their 2020 financials on 27th March 2023 during final hearings at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Review of the Ministers 17 May 2021 Decision that BCEL was not fit and proper to be the Approved Authority of Brindabella Christian College. The financials were lodged almost two years overdue reporting annual revenue of $17,906,000 with a $3,050,000 loss.
Auditor Saward Dawson however fails to give an opinion as to the solvency and financial viability of the school for 2020 (see image below) due to insufficient information from BCEL and the fact BCEL "has current liabilities* in excess of current assets". You can view BCEL's 2020 financials here.
* Whilst the NAB lending facility was subsequently extended to 30 September 2024 (as reported in 2022 audited financials) there is no evidence to-date (January 2025) that BCEL has obtained a further extension from NAB or any refinancing to meet its substantial debts. ​​
​​2021 Financial Viability Concerns
The Auditor Report for BCEL's 2021 financials published on the ACNC Charity Register more than twelve months overdue report another significant financial loss of $2,812,404 and revenue of $18,610,000. You can review the 2021 financials and audit report here.
Once again, the auditor reports in 2021 "the company's current liabilities exceed its current assets" and highlights a number of conditions (page 20 of the financial statements) which "indicate(s) that a material uncertainty exists that may case significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern".
The Association notes earlier media reports which indicate ACT Education Minister, Yvette Berry requested the involvement of the Federal Education Minister urging “the minister to ensure the Department of Education, Skills and Employment exercises its oversight of the school's compliance with governance and management obligations under federal laws.” Riot Act 7 Oct 2020.
As a result of the Federal Ministers investigation, records held by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (BCEL and Minster for Education and Youth [2021] AATA 4629 (25 November 2021) reveal BCEL was found not to be a fit and proper person as the Approved Authority for Brindabella Christian College (17 May 2021) and conditions were imposed requiring change in governance arrangements and improved financial management.
AAT records show the Ministers delegate
“also expressed concerns as to whether the applicant continues to meet the financial viability requirement to be an approved authority. However, at the time the decision was made (17 May 2021), there was not sufficient evidence available to determine whether the applicant was non-compliant.”
2022 Financial Viability Concerns
The Auditor Report and BCEL's 2022 financials published on the ACNC Charity Register indicate another financial loss of $958,470. You can review the 2022 financials and auditors report here.
Remarkably, the auditor reports again for 2022 that "the company's current liabilities exceed its current assets" and highlighting that "the directors are responsible for assessing the company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the Company or cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so".
BCC's Debt per Student Ratio
A significant increase in debt over recent years without a correlating increase in enrolments (its revenue source) has raised serious concerns for the ongoing viability of the school.
A 'debt per student ratio' comparison (below) across other ACT schools is perhaps helpful for understanding the unique situation Brindabella currently faces and why its immediate solvency is of significant concern.
AAT Documents indicate McGrath Nichol, commissioned by the Minister for the AAT proceedings, also took into consideration the schools debt to student ratio during their audit, noting it had increased from $252 per student in 2016 to $19,387 per student.
BCC's debt largely correlates with the decision to engage in significant capital works and expansion activities, including the Charnwood campus over recent years. The Association observes the schools current enrolments (it's revenue source) are yet to meet its enrolment peak in 2019, and yet to meet enrolment projections provided by the Board to the Education Ministers.
The NSW Education Standards Authority's Financial Viability Framework provides that a debt per student ratio over $15,000 indicates a high financial viability risk.
The image above shows a table provided in submissions by BCEL (the applicant) to the AAT on 2nd February 2023 likewise showing the increase in the debt per student ratios and reported annual losses as well as its anticipated future financial position.
Generally speaking, schools with high levels of student debt may be more financially vulnerable, as they may have to use a larger percentage of their resources to service debt rather than investing in academic programs and other initiatives. By keeping the debt-to-student ratio low, schools can maintain financial stability and invest in their future.
Current debt is any debt that needs to be paid in the next twelve months (it’d be like you have to pay your entire home loan back in the next year!).
According to Brindabella's financials at the end of 2019, the school was due to repay $14,877,924 in bank loans in the following twelve months. That would be like paying two thirds of the money it received in 2019 to the bank. However, at the end of 2020, audited financials show borrowings remained at $14,312,514 and Total Current Liabilities had increased to just under $19 Million with ongoing servicing of loan facilities now noted at risk and a current debt to the ATO as at 24 March 2023 also reported as $4.8 Million.
A lack of any audited financials for 2021 or 2022 means the true extent of BCC's debt, and its solvency, remains unclear.
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Inadequate Reporting and Lack of Authentic Parent Engagement
No BCC Annual Reports
Contrary to requirements under Section 80 of the Territory's Education Act 2004, and unlike most other non-government schools across Canberra, Brindabella has provided timely Annual Reports and failed to publish its Annual Report for 2023 and 2024.
Section 80 requires “the principal of the school to make available to parents of students at the school and to the staff and students of the school, information about the school’s educational programs, policies and the operations of the school”. The school previously also reported information around its operations in its College Year Books, however these have not been produced either since 2019.
The absence of Annual Reports can be an issue for parents because these reports provide important information about their child's learning environment and the overall performance of the school. Without these reports, parents may not have a clear understanding of how the school is being governed and by whom or how the school is performing overall.
Annual school reports typically include information about the school's curriculum, teaching methods, academic standards, student achievement data, and any special programs or initiatives the school has implemented. This information can be helpful for parents in determining if the school is the right fit for their child and if they are receiving a quality education.
Additionally, annual school reports can also provide transparency and accountability for the school. By making this information publicly available, parents and the wider community can hold the school accountable for its performance and ensure that it is meeting the expectations and standards set by education authorities.
The lack of regular Annual School Reports is compounded by a lack of Financial Reports submitted to the ACNC.
No Functioning Parents & Friends (P&F) Group
The absence of a functioning P&F at Brindabella since 2019 likewise limits the ability of parents to participate in decisions that impact them or their children and means there is no mechanism for collective representation of parent’s issues and concerns to the school leadership or Board.
BCC introduced a new Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers and Visitors introducing a broad range of new measures which allow the school to regulate parent interactions and communications. Any breaches being at the sole discretion of BCC.
The Code of Conduct states
"Serious breaches of the Parent, Carer and Visitor Code of Conduct may result in the annulment of the enrolment contract" (exclusion of your child from the school).
BCC Code of Conduct for Parents
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Four Auditors in Four Years
Frequent changes in Auditor's is highly unusual and may be a red flag.
ASIC Records and BCC’s financial reports to the ACNC show the following Auditor appointments:
2014) Thomas Davis & Co – JG Ryan
2015) No Financial Reports
2016) Nexia Australia & Nexia Duesbury
2017) Nexia Australia – GJ Murphy
2018) KS Black & Co – Scott Bennison
2019) Saward Dawson
2020) Saward Dawson
2021) Saward Dawson - Disclaimer of opinion as to solvency reported
2022) Saward Dawson
2023) Unknown
Independent Audited Accounts by a professional body are a requirement of ACNC for large charities and a requirement as an Approved Authority to receive commonwealth funding from the Department of Education. Independently audited accounts by a professional body are essential to ensure confidence and trust is maintained around the proper use of commonwealth funds and in a charities financial operations.
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